Nurses Job Satisfaction Analysis


  • Najma Bibi FIMS College of Nursing, Ripah International University, Islamabad-Pakistan.
  • Prof. Dr. Romman FIMS College of Nursing, Ripah International University, Islamabad-Pakistan.



Nurses, Job, Satisfaction, Job Satisfaction, Analysis


The present study has been divided in to five parts. In the “Objective” Section the problem is set to be explored, and its importance to the field of Nursing in which the research belongs. An effort has been made to present a detailed discourse on the points and prove the points. In “Literature Review” Section the sources of this project has been cited. Data is collected with the help of questionnaire. This type of questionnaire is closed ended. Information related to different hospitals and different Nurses. In the “data analysis” Section a detailed and graphical representation of data has been given. Along with graphs, percentage of choice has also been given and the detailed overview of the data is also written there. In the “Finding” Section remedy of the problems has been suggested and according to the needs and recommendations. The details are given in the form of percentage and explanation is also given with it. In “Appendix” detailed overview of the arguments by the staff Nurses are presented in a table view and questionnaire is given in appendix section B. This questionnaire given is being filled by the different nurses.


